The herbicide "roundup" has the following flow:2-4 l/ha
Active substance: glyphosate 480 g/l
Means of plant protection type of roundup herbicide used on the crops:sugar beet(seed crops),peas, potatoes, grains ,sunflower, flax, canola, alfalfa, soybeans, sorghum, vineyards, cherry, peach, plum, forestry.
Distribution in the plant: contact.
Mechanism of action:penetrates into the plant only through the leaves and young shoots. Does not affect the plant through the soil. The weed dies within 5-12 days. Turn yellow, wither .
Means of plant protection type of the herbicide roundup has the following features: you should not apply roundup when the air temperature is below 0 C and above 25 C. And herbicide to apply in a dry and windless weather, not later than 6 hours of dropping out of rain.
The herbicide roundup has the following advantages:
— Reduces the amount of mechanical treatments.
— Struggling with perennial dicotyledonous weeds and annual and with cereal.
-Ideal for destroying pyre creeping savla and peppermint.
The most safe herbicide.
— Prevents germination of seeds. As soil preparation rapidly loses its activity.
Production date 02,18 G.