The seed of sunflower hybrids under the Euro-lightning, the Argentine selection

Price: | 1 900 UAH |
Company: | GRAN |
Seller: | ![]() |
Phones: | ![]() 380985437300 Show phone |
Address: | Vinnytsya, Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast' |
The seed of sunflower hybrids under Euro lightning, the Argentine selection
ALVAREZ (105-115 Days.)
Middle - drought-resistant hybrid. Resistant to lodging. Perfectly adapts to different soil and climatic conditions. Is test 2017року.
Form baskets convex
The tilt of the cart is tilted
The oil content of 46-52%
Plant height of 160-180 cm
Basket diameter: 21-23 cm
Luzietti 20-21%
Potential yield 55 t/ha
The average yield over the years test 41 t/ha
Drought high
Black leg 9
Peronosporosis 9
Phomopsis blight 9
Winter hardiness is high
Rust 9
Gray mold (Botrytis) 9
White rot (Sclerotinia) 8
The sunflower Broomrape A B C D E F
Sunflower moth resistant
OSMAN (115-118 days.)
Form baskets- convex
The tilt of the basket- napuniti
The oil content of 46-52%
Plant height 170-185 cm
The diameter of the basket 18 to 21 cm
Luzietti 20-22%
Recommended for sowing in areas of steppe and forest-steppe zone
insufficient moisture.
Mid-ripening, drought-resistant hybrid, designed for growing on different soil types.
Is test in 2016
Potential yield 55 t/ha
The average yield over the years test 43 t/ha
Nauchno-proizvodstvennaya firma "Grand"offers seeds of sunflower hybrids (Serbian, Romanian, Argentinian ,French selection), sugar beet and corn.
For more information please contact the sales Manager
+38098 543 73 00, +38095 667 64 42 Catherine
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