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Sale lining

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Seller:Zapah Lesa
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Address:Ukraine, Odessa oblast', Zatoka
Before a person decides to buy battens, the question always arises - how much is the lining? Actually this timber has low enough price, because its production is automated and primary raw materials extracted without much difficulty, on an industrial scale. Selling panels in the shop "The smell of the forest" is directly from the manufacturer, also relieves the load unnecessary expenses c our clients. To buy cheap battens, You you only need to contact us in any convenient way. High the speed of order processing and convenient system of delivery this product will allow You can use it in the shortest possible time. Order products by phone: (067) 411-68-50, (095) 068-41-14.
Production photo gallery works on the manufacturer's website: