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Beef cat./pork; the meat is Halal

Offer type: salePublished: 07.05.2013
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan'
We offer high-quality meat:
- Beef 1st cut. in the quarters (of the cow) of the OHL. 100+ - 121.00 amendment (16 tons)
- Beef 1st cut. in the carcasses (cow) with/m 100+ - 102,00 (20 tons)
- Beef 1st cut. in quarters (bulls) with the cut of the OHL. 100+ - 153,00 (16 tons)
- Beef 1st cut. in the carcasses (bulls) with/m 100+ - 118,00 (20 tons)
- Pork 2 cat. in the skin of the OHL, with/m-carcasses - 78,00 (16 tons)
and the meat is Halal:
- Beef Halal 1st cat.(cow) of the OHL./Vice - 145,00 (1 ton)
- Horse meat Halal carcasses up to 250 kg - 170,00 (1 ton)
- Lamb Halal 270,00 (1 ton)
- Chicken Halal 82,00 (1 ton)
- Duck Halal 170,00 (1 ton)
All products are certified. Shipping meat in any point of Russia, 100% guaranteed delivery time.