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The current sale online store

Offer type: salePublished: 10.05.2013
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
Created in August 2012 on the platform Insales (more than 350 products, including bed linen for children and adults, home clothing for men and women, duvets, mattresses)
-user-friendly interface
-conversion of 1,5 %
Established contacts with 7 suppliers
all are located in Moscow and the nearest Moscow suburbs
-the possibility of foreclosure dated 1 kit at wholesale prices
Established contacts with 3 advertising agencies
-you have already created an advertising company in Yandex. Direct
the site is easy to promote
The Group Vkontakte
-600-700 real users
Will provide any support related to informing the buyer about the specifics of this business, direct competitors, the state of the industry, and will also provide a calculated plan by the dependence of the net profit of the project from various