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Machine combined sweeper MD-433

Offer type: salePublished: 23.05.2013
Seller:Alekseev Aleksej
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Address:Russian Federation, Stavropol'skiy Kray, Tolyatti
Machine combined sweeper MD-433
Official dealer!
There's entire range, is intended for the treatment of advanced pavement from fresh snow (raking, sweeping, removal from driveways) and for distribution on the road surface materials and special chemicals for winter road maintenance.
In summer time the machine is used for sweeping, cleaning, watering of road surfaces, as well as for washing piatkowo strip.
The machine can be used for watering green spaces as well as additional funds to fight the fires.
Chassis ZIL-433362, Amur-531330.
Curb weight, kg, not more than a combined machine - 7350, escortbecause - 6300, watering - 6180.