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barley flour. (barley).

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Seller:Vadim Ometsinskij
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Barley flour (barley) is unique - it has a high water and fat
- svyazyvavshej ability. Because of these properties it is widely
used in the manufacture of meat and sausage products. As
thickener barley flour is good to use in the production of sauces,
soups, food concentrates, creams, confectionery. Barley (barley)
the flour can be used in the production of pancakes, dumplings, dumplings,
the biscuits. To prepare cake "potato", as an additive
(non-core flour for baking bread. Barley flour should be
interesting producers of the diet, because it
characterized by a good balance between starches and proteins and
it is rich in polysaccharides b glucan with
cholesterine-lowering effect.