Our company offers for sale from a warehouse stainless pipes of all sizes:
--pipe n/W round 52,h,0; 52,h,5
--pipe n/W round 53,h,5
--pipe n/W round 54,h,0
--pipe n/W round 57,h,5; 57,CH,0; 57,h,0
--pipe n/W round 60,h,5; 60,3x2,0; 60,3x2,5; 60,3x2,6; 60,3x3,0; 60,3x3,6; 60,3x4,0
--pipe n/W round 63,5x1,5; 63,5x2,0
--pipe n/W round 70,h,0
--pipe n/W round 76,1x1,5; 76,1x1,6; 76,1x2,0; 76,1x2,5; 76,1x2,6; 76,1x3,0; 76,1x4,0
--pipe n/W round 84,h,0
--pipe n/W round 85,h,0
--pipe n/W round 88,h,0; 88,h,5; 88,h,6; 88,9x3,0; 88,h,0
--pipe n/W round 101,6x2,0; 101,6x3,0
Availability in stock, delivery in all regions of the country, if necessary, cut to Your order!!!