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11 hectares under construction, Berezovka, Kiev 17 km, near the forest, highway E-40 (Europe)

Offer type: salePublished: 05.05.2014
Seller:Ivanov Grigorij
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Buzova
11 hectares under construction, Berezovka, Kiev 17 km, near the forest, highway E-40 (Europe)
Kyiv region
C. Berezovka
19 km from KP in Zhytomyr highway, 11 hectares of private residential development, approximately 400m from the highway E-40, the area of one side is bordered by an adult pine forest and birch grove, a small lake on the other, the electricity on the border of the plot, the gas-500m, near intensive development near built cottage town "Trump card".
The $ 2 750 000.E.
095 173 07 47