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Course HTML and CSS at the training center of "Syntagma"

Offer type: servicesPublished: 07.05.2014
Course HTML and CSS at the training center of "Syntagma" - this is the main stage in the teaching profession "web developer". The course is for those who want to learn how to make websites. You will be able to go all the way the site layout from graphical layout to finished html page, You will also learn how to publish websites on the Internet, to work with search engines and by means of web Analytics. Successful learning in this course will give You a solid Foundation for further study of web technologies, may be the first step on the path to mastering professions Web designer, Web master. You can pay in installments. Areas: Saltovka, New Homes (near subway). phone(057) 754-90-02, (050) 516-72-53, (097) 984-67-16, (063) 223-15-08.