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5 important steps for powerful settings Yandex Direct

Offer type: servicesPublished: 19.05.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
If You want to get really powerful campaign in Yandex Direct, our team must first answer the 5 important questions:
1. Whether You profitable advertising in Yandex Direct or not?
2. If Yes, what is the budget of the advertising campaign You are planning for a month?
3. What is the cost per click is appropriate to the advertising campaign bring You profit?
4. What is the conversion rate of Your website in order or call?
5. What are the main problems are in Your company, and how we can solve them with the help of contextual advertising in Yandex?
Only knowing the answer to these questions, we can set up a really powerful campaign in Yandex Direct
Call us on the phone right now, and we will thoroughly review Your project and offer you the best options for You!