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Sewage pumping station with a cutting mechanism SANICUBIC 1 WP (SFA) France

Offer type: salePublished: 26.05.2014
Seller:Galanina Yuliya Yakovlevna
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Sewage pumping station with a cutting mechanism SANICUBIC 1 WP (SFA) France
Pump station to force the sewage grinder mechanism (220V) will take all the waste water from the cottage, houses, office buildings. Degree of protection IP68, reinforced chassis, remote control, remote alarm system. Pumping vertically - 11 m, horizontal - 100 m Diameter pumping 50 mm Maximum permissible temperature of 70 degrees.
Manufacturer: SFA Group (France)
Price: 1900 EURO