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Rental business

Offer type: salePublished: 27.05.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Vladimirskaya Oblast', Kirzhach
Ready-to-business leasing production facilities in the food industry. Industrial building - in property. Successfully passed the industrial audited by major national retailer for compliance with sanitary and other norms for the production of private label (own brand), and a conclusion.
In the Vladimir region, city of Kirzhach
Year built - 1965.
Wall material - brick.
Distance from MKAD - 90 km
Square 1437 m2
The land is owned.
Rental rate - 320 000 RUB/month for the whole object.
Price per m 397 RUB
Dokhodnosti,4 %
Annual dahod 840 000
Okupaemost,5 years