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Machine plasma cutting with CNC Plasmacam DHC2

Offer type: salePublished: 28.05.2014
Seller:Paseka Yura
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The size of the working area: 1220mm x 1220mm
Maximum table load: 900 kg max
Cutting / cutting Speed (X, Y): 0-25 m / min
Lifting / lowering (Z): 0-2 m / min
Error (X, Y): 0.01 mm
Error (Z): 0.05 mm
Printing operator's manual and video tutorial
3 year warranty on the PlasmaCAM machine
Unique THC (DHC) reliably controls the height of the plasma torch. Positioning accuracy provide servo motors with digital encodename
All speeds are regulated during operation.
To achieve maximum accuracy portal synchronized by a single actuator.
Moving parts are hard without excess weight.