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Medicinal herbs and herbal tea for pharmacies wholesale

Offer type: salePublished: 30.05.2014
Seller:Bliznyuk Petr
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Address:Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast'
The manufacturer offers pharmacies delivery of packaged herbs and teas. Produced over 150 items monostasos and herbal extracts, as well as bran, fiber and cereals. We are confident that the products from our range of interested visitors to Your pharmacies.
The advantages of working with us:
- Sold products at wholesale prices at the most minimal orders.
- Favourable terms of delivery in Your city.
- Our products TM "Naturalis" has eight years of sales experience in the Ukrainian market.
Looking for reliable customers for long-term cooperation.
In order to get the wholesale price for the products, please contact us at mail
To obtain additional information, please call us at tel: +38(096)536-67-83 Peter.