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Buy cheap women's sneakers in Kiev

Offer type: salePublished: 18.05.2016
Price:199 UAH
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Prices on women's sneakers here 199 to 699!!!

The lowest in town!

Range to look at website.

Choose, order and you can try anywhere near you store at:

Kharkiv highway, 19 SEC Mega city (near Velyka Kishenya) mon-sun 10:00-21:00

Dmitrievskaya str Rog str. Copernicus (metro station Lukyanivska) mon-sun 09:00-20:00

PR-t Mayakovskogo, 43 (OST. Universam Festival) mon-sun 09:00-20:00

Balzac, 66 (OST. "Dankevich", opposite the supermarket Fora) mon-sun 09:00-20:00

 +38(068)5992150, +38(044)2276067, +38(063)9919326