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Bar code scanners from 35 USD. Official Import.

Offer type: salePublished: 25.05.2018
Price:800 UAH
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Address:Ukraine, Odessa oblast', Odesa

Scanners and bar codes.
We offer equipment for automation of trade, such as scanners and bar codes (omnidirectional, wireless, rollup, manual and more)
Our company is ready to offer You the scanners of the bar codes of high quality from the trade marks Symbol, Datalogic, Honeywell, Newland , and others at the most affordable prices in the Internet. We sell and serve only such devices, which meet the high technical requirements, possess reliability and long term operation.
Our staff will help you to choose the scanners of the bar code, the maximum to meet the ratio price - quality.
A wide selection of equipment for automation of trade presented on our website