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Buy wholesale green tea flavored, fases

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:Chajnaya kompaniya "Kameliya"
Seller:Kovalenko Oleg
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Address:Ukraine, Odessa oblast', Odesa
Tea company "Camellia" - manufacturer and supplier of tea TM "Camellia" . The company offers tea in bulk from the manufacturer: green tea flavored tea, flavored black tea flavored composition, mixed tea, tea with additives. The company's product range as loose tea (tea in bulk), and packaged tea (in a stylish, colorful packaging). Products under the brand "Camellia" is not only delicious and aromatic tea, but also a profitable business. The company develops dealer network in the regions of Ukraine and invites to cooperation of wholesale organisations and retail outlets. Read more on tel (067) 705 94 07