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Action!!!Refrigerated Dnepr 1.6 m (proposed)

Offer type: salePublished: 02.06.2013
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk
Our company Naprotechnology specializes in the manufacture and sale of refrigerated cabinets,the provision of services. We offer: 1)refrigerated Dnepr 1,6 m Bent glass, Automatica, additional boxes for storage. The lay - n/W steel. 1 year warranty. Price - gr. 2)refrigerated Dnepr 1,9 m Bent glass, Automatica, additional boxes for storage. The lay - n/W steel. 1 year warranty. Price - gr. All products feature a stylish design, practicality and reliability.These products are designed for the most severe operating conditions.Delivery in Ukraine.