To register a Copyright certificate

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Intellectual property: know-how, topographies of integrated circuits and works of science, literature, art in objective form: report R & d and CRDP; specifications and formulations; methodologies and reference materials; publications; books, monographs, dissertations, textbooks and guidelines; standards and specifications; computer programs (software systems) and databases, scripts, presentations, websites and interactive services; graphic, architectural and design implementations; and so on
How to register - sign license agreement for use of the standard STO.9003-10-2011 (certification system PIF OIC, state registration № ROSS RU.G.AD) for conformity assessment of the results of intellectual activity and the availability of documents confirming the availability and use of intellectual property without violating intellectual property rights, for official recognition, objective confirmation of intellectual property and its facilities registered by the copyright certificate... and wait a couple of weeks of the results of conformity assessment and registration of the copyright certificate. License fee for the use of SRT.9003-10-2011 with registration of the copyright certificate from 25,000 rubles without VAT or without pit (depending on the legal status of the licensor: organizational and methodological support center right holders or the evaluator compliance REED, recognition of intellectual property and its facilities).
That checks the conformity assessment results of intellectual activity and the available documentation is on recognition matters: intellectual activity and the legal protection of the results; the species of intellectual property, ownership and encumbrances of intellectual property rights; the possibility of use and inventory of intellectual property, design know-how (trade secrets), valuation of intellectual property rights, insurance risk of the holder and the insurance indemnity; values (efficiency, availability) intellectual property; potentially protectable technical and artistic decisions; implement personal inalienable rights: copyright, access, review, repetition, etc.
The validity of the copyright certificate is issued in perpetuity (copyright shall subsist during the life of the author and 70 after his death), to confirm the authenticity of the copy of the copyright certificate is posted on the website (refer to "authorship").
What you need is to read the terms and conditions, sign and advance to pay the license agreement; in electronic format to provide for verification of the results of intellectual activity, their specification and the existing documentation; to answer the necessary questions of experts; independently maintain (store) the control instance and specification of the results of intellectual activities (Specification REED).
Specification RIED document with a description of intellectual activity and its results are intended to support the legal protection of these results, the facilities and the absence of encumbrances on intellectual property rights. Standard form of specification of the results of intellectual activity set standard USMC.MU-2013 (HOWTO), is available to interested parties after signing and payment of the license agreement. Recommendations for filling or joint preparation specifications (if required) - from 15 000 rubles (for computer programs, databases, and composite work - from 30,000 rubles). Rates are determined by the needs in the field of scientific research, design, engineering, financial, economic, business, investment, contract, insurance, arbitration practice of the author (owner).
The necessary documentation for the recognition of intellectual property with registration of copyright is evidence enough Specifications REED; for official recognition of intellectual property with copyright clearance certificate also required: employment contract, assignment of intellectual activity, the completion report and the results of intellectual activity, the agreement of the co-authors of the joint disposal of intellectual property, the agreement on the disposal of the employer the exclusive right to intellectual property in the order of implementation of the legal provisions of articles 1295, 1461, 1470 CC RF.
What are the arguments, evidence, recognition of legal protection of results of intellectual activity and of their author (owner) for the commercialization of intellectual property through the alienation of the exclusive rights to it or permits its use on the terms of the license agreement, and the implementation of the requirements of WAC and personal inalienable intellectual property rights: share in profit (right route), the prohibition of exploitation of intellectual assets (right of revocation) and providing personal use of intellectual assets (right of access)... and so on, As if to prove don't need anything", it is inevitable situation "the broken trough" and will have to prove that you are not "camel".
Bonuses - legal support of financial, industrial, business, investment, contractual, tax, arbitration practice of the author (owner) and legal protection of intellectual property rights is carried out by organizational-methodical center support holders, accredited in the System of professional management of intellectual property and quality management of intellectual assets (intellectual property rights) of economic entities by standard STO.9001-08-2012.
If you want recognition by the holder of a legal entity, it is advisable to issue the Certificate of recognition of intellectual property and copyright holder or the Certificate of conformity of objects and evidence of intellectual property, intellectual property rights (it is more expensive, but with the establishment of corporate document holder and a set of documentation required by the standard USMC.M 2012, as well as with the passport intellectual property standard USMC.MU-2013, the licensing policy standard USMC.MU 2013 and the necessary support of the entity).
The Depositary standards and guidelines, PM & s
8(495)9721169, 8-916-205-0579,,