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The services of a private lawyer Kiev, private lawyer Kiev, legal services Kiev

Offer type: servicesPublished: 29.06.2013
Seller:Ol'ga Mihajlovna
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Provide legal services professional services of a private lawyer. Legal aid lawyer, legal advice, lawyer in family court (family lawyer in Kiev), legal support of transactions with real estate.
Private lawyer with experience will help You:
- In a dispute with the Bank loan.
In a dispute about the ownership of the property.
In a dispute about inheritance.
- In a land dispute.
- Family property dispute.
In execution of a judgment in Your case.
Prepare the statement of claim, complaint, letter, claim.
Help get everything you need in Your case documents (including documents of title to Your property or land). The cost of legal services is determined depending on the volume and types of services rendered to Client of legal aid.
Private lawyer Kiev, phone: (097) 365-60-46, Olga