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MITS - modular integrated transformer substation

Offer type: salePublished: 01.06.2014
Seller:Gurvich Mark Vladlenovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Vladimirskaya Oblast', Vladimir
MITS - modular integrated transformer substation for outdoor installation
in reinforced concrete shell for a voltage of 10 kV is designed for
power supply housing, public and industrial
The amount of power transformationin
Capacity of power transformers, Quat 25 to 2500
The voltage on the HV side, CW; 10
Switchgear high voltage RU HV - 6(10) kV: oborudovaniya-HH, CSR-2xx
Current thermal resistance on the HV side for 1s., CA
Rated peak withstand current on the HV side, CA
Performance Vocabulry
The voltage on the low voltage side, kV,4/0,23
Switchgear low voltage RU NN - 6(10) kV: oborudovanie-70
MITS is composed of precast concrete elements:
- aerial unit switchgear 10 kV (HVSG);
- aerial unit power transformer and distribution device 0.4 kV (LVS);
- underground block under the block of the high voltage switchgear;
- underground block under block low voltage switchgear;
In underground and above-ground blocks provided by embedded elements, which when mounting welded together, providing fixation of the product in the working position.
T./F. 4922-305368 ;8-903-6471471