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Complete two-transformer substation for outdoor installation KTPO

Offer type: salePublished: 01.06.2014
Seller:Gurvich Mark Vladlenovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Vladimirskaya Oblast', Vladimir
KTPO "Sandwich" complete two-transformer substation for outdoor installation of three-phase alternating current with frequency of 50 Hz, is an electrical device designed to receive, convert (level voltage via power transformers, transmission and distribution of electrical energy.
Two-transformer substation KTPO "Sandwich" comes in two standard versions:
- dead-end
- checkpoint
The amount of power transformatorov
Capacity of power transformers, Quat 25 to 2500
The voltage on the HV side, CW; 10
Switchgear high voltage RU HV - 6(10) kV: oborudovaniya-HH, CSR-2xx
Switchgear low voltage RU NN - 6(10) kV: oborudovanie-70
oil transformationally insulation
with dry insulation transformationalists
Nominal mode rabotadateley
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KTPO "Sandwich" is a modular pre-assembled welded metal structure. Blocks (modules) are made with a frame made of steel profiles with resistant coating for increased corrosion resistance and modern design. Modules lined with galvanized sheet thickness of 1.5 mm, the Insulation is made of sandwich panels thickness of 50, 80, 100, 150 or 200 mm according to customer's specifications.
Blocks (modules) CTPO "Sandwich" as a rule, are:
- switchgear high voltage high voltage switchgear-6(10) kV with cell type CSR
- Bay power transformer,
- switchgear low voltage low voltage switchgear-0,4 kV with the cell type THAT.
Layout KTPO "Sandwich" of its dimensions and the number of blocks depends on the schema of the electrical connections and the number of cells and transformers. Blocks KTPO "Sandwich" separated by metal partitions, and have separate doors, lockable locks.
4922-305368 ;8-903-6471471