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selling video

Offer type: servicesPublished: 04.06.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
We create high conversion marketing, advertising, viral, video presentation.
You will receive from us:
- increase sales of a product or service at least 2-3 times.
- enhance the credibility of the site by search engines
- positive impact on the recognition and prestige of the brand
- increase customer loyalty.
- ready video from 36 hours to weeks
Experience our Studio for over 6 years.
Among 302 of the companies who have turned to us such as:
RedMond, Marta, Brand, KitFort, Schneider Electric, Audi center of Petersburg.
Our videos have been viewed by more than 20,000,000 People in Russia.
Our video has brought to our customers more than 15.000.000 rubles.