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Offer type: salePublished: 08.06.2014
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The organization implements TFM-100 N Berthiez - VTL CNC 1978 release. Table diameter: 1000 mm, Max. diameter of the workpiece - 1200 mm, Max. workpiece height: 1000 mm, Max. weight of workpiece 10 tons. Complete state.
For more information and pictures on request and on the website TITANTRON.RU
Also offer other lathes, including CNC: 1550, P, M, T, L, DKZ(S)-2500x1250B, F, 1525, M, SK-16 TOS, SC-17, F, F, 1516, KS-447, 1541, 1551, 1512, F, F, M, 1531-1, 153, SKJ-8 TOS, 1510, Berthiez TFM 160, SCHIESS 16DSC-125P, SKI-12CNC, Berthiez TFM-100N, SKJ-10NC TOS.