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Management and updating of indicators of truck scales with remote control. Moscow and all Russia

Offer type: salePublished: 15.06.2014
Seller:ObmanVesov Obmanut', elektronnyie, avtomobil'nyie, vesyi
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Remote control electronic scales. Adjustment indicators weights. Deception scales. The company "PultVes" develops weight equipment, we also have developed different models and devices for remote monitoring and control electronic truck scales, crane scales, platform scales and other weight-measuring equipment. We are in the market of equipment for control of electronic scales for 6 years and have proven themselves quite well and successfully developing in his direction. The quality of the devices is guaranteed. Ship equipment anywhere in the world. Provided service equipment.
The company PULTVES has developed more than 10 kinds of equipment for remote control of electronic scales from all manufacturers.
We will select and produce equipment for your requirements.
Our advantages:
3.Equipment size as the SIM card of the phone.
4.Self-powered and does not require a battery.
5.The range of the remote control and easy operation
6.Easy connection and quick start.
7.Does not require a deep knowledge of electronics.
Skype: pultves