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Profitable Internet shop metal detectors!

Offer type: salePublished: 19.06.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
On sale includes:
1) Two sites;
2) Couriers;
3) Contracts with supplier;
4) Customized advertising in Yandex and Google;
5) the Number 8-800;
6) Scripts on the phone with clients
7) Training information on metal detectors
8) the development Plan of the store for the coming year
9) Plan to increase profits
10) the Customer base for 3000 people
Costs and profits:
- Monthly advertising budget ( € ): 25 000 rubles
- Other costs : (phone office) 20 000 rubles
- The average monthly turnover ( € ): 1 400 000 rubles.
- Average monthly net profit (RUR): 195 000
- The average profit per sale (roubles): 4 000
- The necessary working capital for normal maintenance business: 350 thousand to 600 thousand rubles
Price business: 860 000 rubles
- Documentary evidence of profit.