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Cancer treatment drug from Cuba - Vidatox / Vigamox (trj-c30)

Offer type: salePublished: 20.06.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
Vigamox (TRJ-C30) - medical drug, based on the venom of the blue Scorpion, produced only in Cuba and used to improve the quality of life of patients with cancer or cancer of varying severity.
The drug can be used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, immune regulator and a drug for the treatment of cancer.
The drug helps to improve the quality of life of patients regain weight and appetite, to reduce the consumption of traditional painkillers.
Antitumor effect, which has a drug based on the venom of Scorpions, strong enough, helps to achieve complete cessation of cell growth of malignant tumors. The poison acts selectively on the diseased cells without damaging healthy.
Vigamox use drip under the tongue. The drug can be used in combination with chemotherapy, with other anticancer drugs, without breaking the regimen prescribed by a doctor-oncologist.
Readings: Additional therapy to treat symptoms caused by the cancer. Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect.
The use of Vidaloca excludes or limits of traditional cancer treatment, however, facilitates and enhances the positive effect of the sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to reduce undesirable consequences.
Complications are not detected.
Incompatibility with other honey.drugs are not identified.
The recommended minimum period of drug - 3-4 months.
Production: Cuba, Labiofam
Volume: 30 ml
The purchase price:
1 vial 7 500 rubles
3 bottles of 20 000 rubles
5 bottles of 30 000 rubles