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Drying ovens for herbs, fruit, tea

Offer type: salePublished: 30.06.2014
Seller:Sushi Evgenij
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Address:Russian Federation, Irkutskaya Oblast', Irkutsk
The proposed drying ovens for drying herbs, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, tea leaf. the production of China. Delivery time 30-da. Size 1400*670*550 mm Voltage: 220v Power: 3kW. Temperature range: from +30 to +150C. A timer. You can set the drying time. The number of trays: 9 Uniform distribution of warm air(the product is dried evenly, no need to swap trays). Loading weight: 20kg Weight 120kg. There are also more productive cabinets. For more information please send e-mail.