Cylinders argon carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, welding mixture, hydrogen (new and piratescove):
1. 10l (new) - 1880, periotest. - 1400
2. 40L (new) - 3800, periotest. - 1600
Different volumes - 40L, 20L,10l ,5L, 2l.
Filling cylinders with industrial gases.
Argon, oxygen, nitrogen, welding mixture, hydrogen, helium.
Selling new and peritelomeric cylinders.
Delivery in Kiev and Ukraine.
Welding wire ER70-S, Magmaweld,G3Si1,ER308, ER4043 etc. (China, Turkey, Plazmatek).
Stainless steel rods, aluminum.
Welding electrodes in the ACC.
Circles Stripping, etc.