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HBS275 band saw machine for metal| metal band saw Bernardo Austria

Offer type: salePublished: 23.06.2018
Price:69 150 UAH
Company:PST Ukraina
Seller:Litvinov Sergej Vladimirovich
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

Features of CNC machine:

Powerful 2-speed motor;

Industrial machine design, reliable robust design ensures high quality of cutting;

Carbide guides with roller bearings blade that provides the rigidity and durability of the saw unit;

The rotation of the frame to 45°;

Adjustable 5-position belt tension provides high accuracy cutting;

Auto power off when you break the saw blade;

A pressure gauge on the tension of the canvas;

Station coolant;

Keyless adjustable grip with extra focus;

The lowering speed of the saw is regulated by a hydraulic cylinder.


Package contents/ included in delivery:

Bi-metal blade for the band saw/ bimetal band saw;

stand/ stand;

Auto power off/ automatic shutoff device;

Focus for billet/ work piece limit stop;

A pressure gauge on the force of blade tension/ manometer;

System coolant/ cooling liquid pump.


Specifications/ technical description:

The size of the saw blade/ blade dimension

2480x0,9x27 mm

Max. cutting diameter round billet/

            solid material and pipes 90°/45°/60° Ø

(90 deg.) 225 mm

 (45 deg.) 160 mm

(60 deg.) 100 mm

Max. the size of the cut rectangular blank/ solid material and square profiles 90°/45°/°/60° LxH

(90 deg.) 200x200 mm (45 deg.) 160х160 mm (60 deg.) 100x100 mm

Cutting under angle/ swivel range saw unit

45° /-60°

Speed of blades/ cutting speed (2 steps)

45– 90 m/min

Power consumption/ motor power

1,1 kW /1,5 kW / 380V

Dimensions (D x W x In/ machine dimensions LxWxH)

930x1380x580 mm

Weight/ weight

216 kg


Additional equipment/ optional accessories:

bandsaw used bimetal Arntz (Germany) M42 (selected on the basis of customer requirements);

concentrate for cooling lubricant 5L. Dilute 1:30

digital ruler with LCD display (suitable for any conveyor length up to 3000 mm)

roller table RB 10-3000 for workpieces of up to 900kg

roller conveyor RB 7-2000 for workpieces up to 700kg

roller conveyor RB 4-1000 for workpieces up to 500 kg

roller table RB 3000A with ruler and stopper for workpieces of up to 900kg

roller table RB 2000 A with a ruler and stopper for workpieces up to 700kg

roller table RB 1000A with a ruler and stopper for workpieces up to 500 kg