Rapeseed Chilkat fs – 199 the canadian winter hybrid
Price: | 330 UAH |
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Phones: | ![]() +380978042542 Show phone |
Address: | Ukraine, Odessa oblast', Odesa |
The stalk of the rapeseed-from 195 cm – 200 cm, stalk is strong, tall in the circumference of the circle is 9 cm. the branches of the hybrid canola is from the base of the root collar of rapeseed, at a distance of 18 cm and placed in length towards the top to 105cm., with a slight tilt to 35 degrees. and reminiscent of the shape of spruce.
A distinctive feature of nano-modified, and other conventional hybrids and varieties of crops
1) is Characterized by good frost resistance - 50* C, due to the replaced genes increase frost resistance is highlighted with the Arctic ocean cryophilic algae living on the glaciers and in the ice at temperatures of - 70* and diamentowych algae growing on the bottom of the Arctic ocean.
2) Set replaced by the transformed gene isolated from camel thorn trees increase drought resistance of rapeseed + 60*.
3) is Characterized by resistance to abiotic stress - tolerates spring Primorski in the stage of full development of the plant up to - 25 C*.
4) Has a strong immunity to all diseases of oilseed rape, affecting the normal hybrids and varieties (such as Alternaria, Fusarium, the disease, bacteriosis famoso, powdery mildew, etc.) and is not affected by these diseases.
5) Sustainable canola, to all harmful insects affecting conventional varieties and conventional hybrids of rape (because all types of aphids, cruciferous fleas, pollen beetle, moths, bedbugs, krutogolovy, rapeseed Sawfly, the wireworms, cabbage fly, turnip butterflies, scoop, etc.) in connection with transformed genes of a Scorpion and is embedded in the structure of the cell DNA of a rape.
6) Resistant canola to soil salinity.
7) Is resistant to pod shattering due to natural selection with the stem of the rape of a white resin which completely envelops the pod of rapeseed and does not allow him to crumble, to full maturation of seeds of a rape, so rape does not require desiccation, the rapeseed is cleaned to direct harvesters.
8) Resistance to lodging due to strong, powerful stems.
9) has a high yield due to the length of the canola pod is 24 cm and the weight of the seeds and also due to the fact that the pods of canola are located at a distance of 5 cm and above and the number of pods on one branch of a rape is 100 pods, each pod has a partition separating one ryadochek rape from another ryadochek each ryadochek 70 rapeseed, accounting for 140 of rape seeds in a pod that is its high productivity.
Malastarian in the hybrid canola is 55 % - 57 %.
This hybrid was sown in 2015. - 2016. in Ukraine and showed excellent results in terms of yield.
1000 seed weight is 4.9 grams.
The canadian yield of transgenic hybrid canola СHILKAT FS - 199 min is 65 cent., max. 70 cent. 1 - ha.
Germination rate - 98 %, Energy of germination - 98 %, Tipovoi - 99.99 %, Moisture - 7 %.
The seeding rate of hybrid 1 - d is 2.3 kg exact sivakami (Firma Farmet, magistral) of grain and grass or sivakami our production of grain - 3 kg per 1 hectare, planted the seeds of the hybrid at a seeding depth 2 cm - 3 cm.
Sowing canadian hybrid winter oilseed rape CHILKAT FS - 199 in Southern regions starts from 5 July to and including 25 September in the Northern regions since 8 August to 28 September.
Insecticides are used resistant to all harmful insects.
Herbicides: Systemic non-selective herbicide roundup 2 - liters per 1 ha in the phase of 2-3 leaves of rapeseed.
Fertilizers: saltpetre is ammoniac 140 kg – 150 kg is to be paid at sowing or after sowing. You can mix saltpetre with seeds in percentage ratio of 1/2 and applied to the soil.
Harvesting of winter rapeseed hybrid CHILKAT FS - 199 begins June 25 and lasts until July 18. Clean canadian transgenic rapeseed harvesters don, Niva, Gender, Case.
Our website agrofermer.com
E-mail - afermer@ukr.net
tel +380993644779 - Andrew
Buy future harvest.
When seeding from 500га make a prepayment of up to 35%
Delivery: free throughout Ukraine.