Seeds of winter wheat straw

Price: | 9 000 UAH |
Seller: | ![]() |
Phones: | ![]() 0677785553 Show phone 0634598776 Show phone |
Address: | Ukraine, Kyiv |
ENTERED IN the REGISTER of PLANT varieties of UKRAINE for 2016 for growing in Polissya, forest-steppe and steppe zones of Ukraine.
BIOLOGICAL SIGNS: short-stem, medium early, vegetation period 278-282 days. Resistant to lodging. Winter hardiness is above average, drought tolerant. Resistant to suffer from mildew and brown leaf rust. Resistant to germination in the ear and shattering. Variety – erythrospermum.
GRAIN QUALITY: milling and baking properties are excellent. Grain varieties straw contains 14-15% protein, a 28.5-33.1 per cent wet gluten, flour strength and 327-391.a. the volume of bread from 100 g of flour 1150-1280 ml, the overall assessment of baking qualities of 8.2-8.4 points. Attributed to the strong wheat. With proper agricultural genetics varieties to provide high-quality grain.
Agronomic traits: high-yielding variety of intensive type. According to the originator, during the competitive trials yielding varieties of straw amounted to 99.2 kg/ha, 7.9 t/ha higher than the yield of the national standard. The maximum yield obtained in the competitive test 2015 108,5 kg/ha, which exceeds the national standard by 12.2 t/ha.
In the ecological test in three points (Polissya, forest-Steppe, Steppe) 2016 variety of wheat straw provided a yield of 92.2 kg/ha, which is higher by 9.6 t/ha national standard (variety is Unity).
Grain yield of varieties straw in the state study 28 Santogold amounted to 51,5 – 105,2 kg/ha. a Significant yield increase of straw varieties to the national standard – 5,0 – 47,6 t/ha obtained in 18 Santogold 14 regions of Ukraine, which cover the zones of steppe, Forest-Steppe and Polesie (Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad, Donetsk, Poltava, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk, Sumy, Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Volyn, Lviv region.
The average yield of straw varieties in the Steppe zone during the years of the state tests accounted for 55.3 kg/ha, in forest-Steppe zone – up to 66.5 kg/ha, Polesie – 59,0 kg/ha, which is 2.1 to 3.6 kg/ha higher than the national standard.
Maximum yields of varieties straw 95,0; 96,6; 101,5; 103,0; 105,2; 108,5 t/ha obtained on Dergarten Kirovohrad (Kirovohrad region), derzhexportcontrol of Sumy (Sumy region), derzhexportcontrol of Vinnitsa (Vinnytsia region), Dergarten man'kivs'ke (Cherkasy region) and in production conditions Experienced in the GP agricultural production (Kyiv region).
AGROTECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: the variety must be grown by intensive technology, making optimal and high doses of mineral fertilizers. Specific to the mineral nutrition of varieties is the need of early spring feeding mercatali soil and fertilizing the poor soils in the fall.
The norm of seeding of 5.5-6.0 million germinating grains per 1 ha. Optimal predecessors are full fallow, annual grasses and peas. Sow in the second half of the optimal timing.