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Sunflower present farm of crude oil!!

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:220 RUR
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg

Offer sunflower oil! Without preservatives!

- top grade!

fundamentally different compared to the factory mode of production!

- very gentle sunflower fragrance!

- always fresh! This is our the production secret!

- made from RAW SEEDS without heat treatment!

- 100% natural! And environmentally friendly!

- unmatched for salads, frying, stewing and sandwiches from childhood"!


Regular use full of sunflower oil replenishes the deficiency of vitamin E!! But consumption not all oils, and our - exactly!

Price 220 rubles per 1.5 liters



Special offer from 8 to 14 July!!

 When ordering 4 bottles - 15% discount!!!!

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