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The vacuum pump KNF N811 CT IP20

Offer type: salePublished: 03.07.2013
Seller:Labsnab Vasilij
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
N series 811 presents a single-stage diaphragm pumps are used in a broad range of laboratory tasks.
N series 811 presents a single-stage diaphragm pumps are used in a broad range of laboratory tasks.
Different small sizes, very quiet operation, minimal maintenance requirements and good chemical resistance. Pumps with index KN equipped with a head made of special polymer and neoprene membrane.
Membrane pumps with index KT - Teflon.
Technical features:
real flow, vacuum and compression;
for malwarescanner or malokontroliruemyh gases and vapors;
environmentally friendly;
high gas impermeability;
with thermal switch and power fuse.
Modelright, l/min Max. vacuum, kamax.the outlet pressure, karusmari,mm
N86KN.18 6 10 240 HH
N86KT.18 5,5 16 250 HH
N811KN.18 11,5 24 200 HH
N811KT.18 11,5 29 200 HH
Brief features:
Material мембраныPTFE
Head nasact
Country proishozhdeniilenina
Manufacturer/BRAND / ТМKNF
Ultimate vacuum, mbar
Working pressure, Bar
The diameter of the fitting, MM6
Design ispolnitenicami
The principle testimony
Country proizvodstvennaya
Tel/Fax: (057) 703-55-75;
mob.: (098) 838-99-10 Basil;
mob.: (066) 737-48-19 Sergey;
mob.: (097) 000-51-14 Maxim.