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Low priced will sell the land on the Kiev sea First line

Offer type: salePublished: 24.07.2013
Seller:Vadim Vladimirovich
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Low priced will sell land for building a house near Kiev. The area of 22 acres. for the construction of residential homes. The first line is shipping out to sea, when designing a landscape design it is possible to construct a private dock, beach (close to the local sandy beach 200m). The width of the shoreline approximately 25 meters of the Kiev reservoir (land directly adjacent to the water). The area placed on the plain, has a two-meter elevation above the water surface, the plot has direct access to the water. Also nearby is a forest - 900 meters the path to the site runs on asphalt and gravel road (Kiev region Vyshgorod p-n, n Responsibility. Lenina Ul.). The site opened: gas and electricity.
We offer inexpensive to buy land near Kiev price 65000$ per object.
0 (93) 169-02-87 Vadim Vladimirovich.