Coffee weight bulk, freeze-dried
Seller: | ![]() |
Phones: | ![]() +380 (93) 837-51-08 Show phone +380 (66) 692-58-27 Show phone |
Address: | Kyiv, Ukraine |
Country of origin: India, Vietnam, Brazil, Ecuador, Germany, Mexico, Spain. Coffee from the manufacturer.
Details on the website:
Price per mailbox, per 1 kg - 12-13 USD
When increasing the size of the auction is possible.
Qty kg in the box 25-30 (vacuum box).
Delivery to any city of Ukraine (New Mail, Delivery)
* Press 2, Ecuador
* Cusick, Brazil
* Kokam, Brazil
* Iguacu, Brazil
* Gold Mogi, Brazil
* SEDA, Spain
* India
* Vietnam
* Mexico
Freeze dried coffee (freeze-the sun dried)
Technology "freeze-dried" provides a unique opportunity to preserve the product's taste and nutrients.
The main thing that distinguishes the sublime of all varieties instant coffee is its maximum proximity to natural on characteristics of the flavour and richer aroma.
Complex process and high energy production freeze dried coffee shape its high in comparison with other soluble price. Cheaper versions, usually used raw materials of low quality or apply artificial flavors.