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Sell Common Boa ( Boa constrictor )

Offer type: salePublished: 01.03.2015
Price:1 000 UAH
Seller:Horunzhij Vitalij Aleksandrovich
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The undisputed favorite among the largest snakes contained in terrariums, was and remains a common boa. Elegant color, disposition with an impressive appearance and simplicity were the cause of his crazy popularity fans of snakes.

Size: up to 4 meters, but usually a little less.
The degree of toxicity: not toxic.

This bright, eye-catching colouring, is very appropriate in the natural environment, hiding a snake among the weave of branches and mosaic the leaves of the rainforest. Often there are representatives terrariums subspecies from Central America, which bears the name of the Emperor boa. The more rare and expensive red-Boas from the basin of the Orinoco are the subject of the dreams of many fans.

Equanimity and peacefulness these snakes makes them very pleasant to communication and simple tastes to the conditions that made it possible to contain them even the hobbyists with minimal experience.