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Legal services. Moscow

Offer type: servicesPublished: 04.07.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
If you have credit that you have something to return !
- any Committee of the Bank for the issuance of credit, account opening, account maintenance and other illegal !
- insurance in 99% of cases - illegal!
- Your money can be returned legitimate way, through the courts.
- ensure that there is no consequences for Your credit history.
- we work without payment, all consultations are free.
- payment is made on the fact credited to Your account.
Services antikollektor !
If you or your loved ones have problems payout loans - we will help You in your problems !
- cancel all singing and penalties imposed by banks or collection agencies.
-to terminate the loan agreement with the Bank.
- to keep the property.
relieve from calls and annoying collection agencies