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the Zoladex and zometa from Europe

Offer type: salePublished: 12.07.2014
Seller:Kushnir Anella
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Gemzar, Zoladex and zometa from Europe
lowest prices - huge range - Intratect, Invis, Casodex, Cancidas, Ketosteril, Calix, Merdare, Kytril, therapy, Copaxone-Teva, xeloda, Curosurf, MabThera, Myfortic, Meronem, Mastoparan, NovoSeven, Neupogen, Noxafil, Nexavar, Octagam, Other drugs for cancer,can be ordered on the website
Pharmacist :ANELLA: +380635817308 details on the website