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Sawing (cutting) plywood to order

Offer type: servicesPublished: 14.07.2014
Seller:Batkova Tat'yana
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Address:Russian Federation
Cutting the plywood is thin enough to work, which is almost impossible at home. Company All-fanera offers sawing (cutting) plywood of all types and varieties of sizes up to 3050 mm
Cutting (nesting) of plywood produced with modern sawing machine, allowing to cut the lumber with an accuracy of ±0.3 mm per linear meter.
Full control of the cutting process, as well as high qualification of workers, allows you to completely avoid defects in the form of chips and burrs.
To order or get more information, you can call(495) 626-95-51, 626-99-95, 723-73-86, 363-17-36, as well as on the website