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Cylindrical grinding machine M (400*2800)

Offer type: salePublished: 16.07.2014
Seller:Vasil'ev Oleg Vladimirovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Yaroslavskaya Oblast', Yaroslavl
The organization implements M - cylindrical grinding machine used, number 2, 1976 and 1987 release. The maximum dimensions set details: diameter - 400, length 2800 mm, weight of workpiece - 1000 kg operating state.
For more information and pictures on request and on the website TITANTRON.RU
We offer for sale other grinding machines, including CNC longitudinal grinding machines and machines with round table: HS-46, A, M, FARREL GIUSTINA L. D. 30"X10`, MMMF.3, M, M, FARREL GIUSTINA T. T. 16"X6`, BUA-31/2000 TOS, MMP-02, MMF, MMF, MW-01, M, A, Kikinda A11U-350, Kikinda UFB-300/500, MMF, MMF, MMF, M, M, TOS BU-16, MW, Studer S50-12, U, BUB-400/1000 TOS, OV, O, U, MV, U, UV, UM, M, Kikinda A11U-550, BUA-25, Overbeck 250RU, WAV, UWF, UWF, UUA, RO 125x500 NAPOMAR, UYF, UM, UV, AP, M, SASL 3/AE-PC MIKROSA, KOEBAU multimat geomat 150-6, EA, M, S, Paragon RC-1812, EAM, EV, EA, MA, M, M, WS, EV, DV.