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Laboratory sieves, baths VGS, funnel FISHING vessels for otmuchivanie.

Offer type: salePublished: 17.07.2014
Seller:Krasnov Roman
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Address:Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk
The company "KOLOS" is a manufacturer of laboratory and measuring equipment for the construction industry: a laboratory sieve, bath VGS, dimensional vessel, a vessel for otmuchivanie, funnel FISHING, lids, trays, sets of laboratory sieves.
The diameter of the produced sieves, from 120 mm to 300 mm, the height of the shell from 38 mm to 75 mm shell Material: stainless steel, galvanized steel. Sifting: mesh brass, mesh, stainless steel perforated sheet. The size of the grid cells from 0,056 mm to 2 mm, the cell sizes of perforation from 2.5 mm to 70 mm
Rates sieves from 300 rubles!
It is important for us to research our customers were without failures and crashes to the results of the tests were reliable and accurate.