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Roll forming lines, equipment

Offer type: salePublished: 17.07.2014
Seller:Ask Met Sergej Nikolaevich Ask Met
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Address:Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya
Line for production of metal profile is designed for manufacturing high quality cold-formed steel sheet profiles for walls of industrial and warehouse buildings, as a roofing material for fences, etc. Has a very wide scope. Using our machines You will get 100% quality, in the form of a matching sheet outer and inner sides - allowing waste to use all products while saving a significant amount (30%) of the cost.
- Car rolled sheet with decorative paint coating.
- Steel zinced.
Thickness of rolled steel, mm 0,7 0,2...
The speed of the car, m/min 25
Power total (rental gelatine), kW 5,5
Overall dimensions, mm
length from 4 000 to 20 000
width 1900
the altitude of 1700
Weight, kg 1 000