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Zapiski FS-600-1000H

Offer type: salePublished: 17.07.2014
Seller:Romanovskij Mihail Borisovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Pulse Zapiski FS-H (handheld) is a specialized equipment for packaging of various products and merchandise by means of making bags from a sleeve of film thickness of 150 microns and
sealing packages. Often the impulse Zapiski FS-N (manual) finds application in factories, small businesses and shops, because this model is economical, convenient and does not require a special operator skills and knowledge.
joint width 3 mm
the length of the seam from 600 to 1000 mm
sealing time of 0.2-8 (sec)
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LLC "Packaging equipment"
Price: 3 300 rubles