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Milling machine CNC ArtMaster "Racer"

Offer type: salePublished: 17.07.2014
Seller:Stancho Sergej Sergeevich
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Address:Ukraine, Mykolayivs'ka Oblast', Mykolayiv
LTD Artel LTD offers a series of multi-function CNC milling machines "ArtMaster" intended for high-quality processing of different kinds of wood, MDF, acrylic, artificial stone, rectilinear and curvilinear cutting chipboard. You can also process some soft metals - aluminium, copper, brass and so on . Using our CNC series "ArtMaster" You will be able to produce high quality facades, as usual and radius, doors, door moldings, various decorative elements, various shapes and 3-D models. We offer a comprehensive solution to your business problems by providing with equipment and the technology for producing high quality pieces of furniture. We are completely free of charge will train your operators and carry out the commissioning.
The range of machines is very wide - from the smallest, with the size of the workpiece, 400x400 mm, to large machining centers CNC sizes h, with which you will be able to carry out complex processing of products made of MDF, wood, etc. Machines are equipped with components only from the best world leaders in the field of woodworking - ELTE (Italy), AXOR (Italy), HSD (Italy), Hiwin(Taiwan) and other
Milling machine CNC ArtMaster Racer is the machine with the highest performance. Thanks installed servomotor and rack guides the machine is able to develop the speed of transition to 40 meters per minute, and the speed milling up to 25 meters per minute, providing the highest quality of processing. The machines are equipped with vacuum table with 6 zones with automatic positioning of the workpiece. For skanirovaniya complex bulk products installed high-precision laser scanner. Automatic tool change for 4 (or 8 ) mills carousel will allow you to change tools without operator intervention with maximum speed.
We provide full operator training and conduct commissioning totally free
More detailed information You can get by visiting our official website or contact the technical sales team by phone +38 067 588-27-44