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Sebivo, plavix, bondronat,

Offer type: salePublished: 20.07.2014
Seller:Kushnir Anella
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Will sell the products for cancer treatment. Cheap
Will sell the products for cancer treatment. Cheap throughout Ukraine. send C.O.D.
Will sell cheap: Gemzar, zometa, Velcade, Nexavar, mitoxantrone, mitomycin, Sebivo, plavix, bondronat, Gleevec, Kolya, xeloda, MabThera, Tarceva, arimidex, drug, Remicade, intron, keppra has, irinotecan, Taxol, paclitaxel, Taxotere, carboplatin, Erbitux, Avastin, Herceptin, Dysport, etoposide, sutent, Mirena, etc. the Price is much lower than the pharmacy, Another range of Oncology on the website.
Pharmacist :ANELLA: +380635817308 details on the website