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"SEA Fittings" . Warehouse furniture components!

Offer type: servicesPublished: 23.07.2014
Seller:Denis, Tat'yana
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Wholesale-store warehouse furniture components in Moscow.
Production of MDF facades, covered with enamel, veneer, PVC. More than 1,800 colors! Inlay veneer and Swarovski crystals! Any volumes.
- Sale of chipboard, Countertops, Wall panels, HDF, edges. Services accurate cutting, sticking, additives.
- Sale of glasses, mirrors, service glass shop.
Hardening, fotogallery print.
Sale of aluminium profiles , making any door coupe.
- Wholesale mirrored furniture tape.
Sale accessories for the manufacture of furniture. Has it all!
Huge selection of knobs.
"Let's make the furniture together!" has long been not just a slogan, but the style of work of a company that cares about customers, trying to anticipate their desires. With us to make furniture easier and faster!