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Translation with notarization "Libata"

Offer type: servicesPublished: 25.07.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
Translation with notarization "Libata"
Work with all languages and performed all kinds of translation.
Provide all kinds of legalization of documents (visa and apostille).
Provide interpreters for exhibitions and talks.
We have a large staff of experienced translators who quickly and efficiently carry out the order of any complexity.
Collaborate with three notaries that enables the timely and uninterrupted notarization of documents.
No extra charges, fixed, after calculation of the price.
Free consultation and calculation order.
No paid rework due to incorrect translations.
The delivery service.
Discounts on volume orders, regular customers and cash.
Website: LIBETE.RU mail: LIBETE@YANDEX.RU phone: 8 495 644 77 55