This model of sneakers the best option for everyday walk to work, to school, College, and just walking, shoes are light and airy, if you are doing light fitness, these shoes will suit you, the shoes looks great under jeans and sweatpants.The shoes are very stylish, soft and airy perfect for pupils, students and adult men, this sports shoes will accentuate your character and desire, to go easy, running is even easier ))
This model is represented by the size 35//36//37//38//39//40//41Standardization of Shoe sizes for Ukraine
Size3535,5363737,53838,53939,5 foot Length227230233240245250255260263Size4040,54141,54242,54343,544foot Length265267270275280282285287290
Dear customers, please note that many brands have their own size chart, and the same size may be referred to a different actual value of the Shoe. In this regard, we strongly recommend you measure your foot length and use this figure when selecting the size.
Our website contains the dimensional table for most European brands but also universal for other brands of shoes